Events Calendar
Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 07:00pm - 10:00pm
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Single / Dating / Engaged / Married
Navigate the four critical seasons of relationship.
The vast majority of young people will pass through the key stages of singleness, dating, engagement, and marriage at some point in life. Yet, they are delaying marriage longer than any generation in human history. Studies show a dramatic rise in self-reported loneliness among the young. All of our technological connectivity has not made us feel more connected. In many ways, the very screens that are meant to link us to others have become shields blocking us from the deep intimacy we crave.
We need the skill set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. By charting a course through the four relational stages and discovering what eternal purposes should be pursued in each, we can enjoy the confidence of knowing that we are leveraging our lives for what matters most.
Navigate the four critical seasons of relationship.
The vast majority of young people will pass through the key stages of singleness, dating, engagement, and marriage at some point in life. Yet, they are delaying marriage longer than any generation in human history. Studies show a dramatic rise in self-reported loneliness among the young. All of our technological connectivity has not made us feel more connected. In many ways, the very screens that are meant to link us to others have become shields blocking us from the deep intimacy we crave.
We need the skill set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. By charting a course through the four relational stages and discovering what eternal purposes should be pursued in each, we can enjoy the confidence of knowing that we are leveraging our lives for what matters most.