Category: Video
Editor: Shepherd & Associates
Library: Maranatha Resource Library
Location: Maranatha Fellowship
Year: 2013

Hits: 226

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Written by Sharon

The Secret of the Vine is an inspirational allegory teaching  the  deep  spiritual truths  of  John  15… “I Am the Vine, you are the branches!”

With only moments left — most probably on the way to the garden–Jesus spoke of relationships to those who followed Him by pointing to the grapevines. In this allegory you may identify with the branches whose natural tendency is to go off in many directions; hopefully you’ll come to a new appreciation of what it means to “abide in the vine” and even come to see purpose in pruning. The Secret of the Vine illustrates “Christ in me!” It’s a reflection on hope, on comfort, on obedience, on abiding, on belonging, on intimacy…with the Vine and with the Keeper.

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