Resource Library
Baa! Oink! Moo! God Made the Animals
- Category: Juvenile
- Author: Rhonda Gowler Greene
- Editor: Zondervan Publishing House
- Pages: 26
- ISBN: 978-0310752271
- Library: Maranatha Resource Library
- Location: Maranatha Fellowship
- Year: 2017
Hits: 460
Written by Harold
Baa! Oink! Moo! God Made the Animals, written by award-winning author Rhonda Gowler Greene and illustrated by David Walker, is set on a farm and follows a conversation between a mother and child as the child repeatedly asks "Mama, who made . . . ?"
In the end, children learn that God is responsible for creating sheep, cows, pigs, horses, goats––all the animals on the farm… including puppies! Together, parents and children will discover the wonder of God’s creation when they open Baa! Oink! Moo! God Made the Animal
Date insert: Saturday, 04 February 2017