Category: Juvenile
Editor: Tyndale Kids
Pages: 192
ISBN: 0842339892
Library: Maranatha Resource Library
Location: Maranatha Fellowship
Year: 1995
Note: Forbidden Doors, Book 3

Hits: 226

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Written by Angie

The occult is a very real influence for today's youth—and the world is only too eager to exploit their curiosity about the supernatural. Tyndale and Bill Myers, co-creator of McGee and Me!, counteract the deceptions presented by immensely popular titles with an innovative approach to juvenile fiction—the Forbidden Doors series. Insightful and straightforward, each volume tackles spiritual warfare by presenting biblical truths through realistic situations and characters.

#3 The Spell—The Society is determined: Becka must pay for all she has done. And so they begin a scare campaign, complete with spells and curses. But the campaign quickly gets out of hand. Before she knows what's happening, Becka finds herself in grave danger. There is only one thing that will save Becka, but she has to find it herself.


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