Category: Juvenile
Editor: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Pages: 288
ISBN: 978-1414301556
Library: Maranatha Resource Library
Location: Maranatha Fellowship
Year: 2007
Note: Ages 10 and up

Hits: 150

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Written by Harold

“Nothing special” is the best way to describe Owen Reeder―at least that's what he's been told all his life. When a stranger visits his father's bookstore, Owen's ordinary life spirals out of control and right into a world he didn't even know existed. Owen believes the only gift he possesses is his ability to devour books, but he is about to be forced into a battle that will affect two worlds: his and the unknown world of the Lowlands. Perfect for readers ages 10 to 14 who enjoy a fast-paced story packed with action, fantasy, and humor.


From the Back Cover


"Such was the fate of Owen Reeder, for as he took his last step of what could be called a normal life, something caught him at his waist. His feet and arms flew forward along with his head; then he snapped back. Owen was suspended in midair.
That's when he heard the whisper. . . .
"Courage, Owen.""

Nothing special is the best way to describe Owen Reeder-at least that's what he's been told all his life. When a stranger visits his father's bookstore, Owen's ordinary life spirals out of control and right into a world he didn't even know existed.

Owen believes the only gift he possesses is his ability to devour books, but he is about to be forced into a battle that will affect two worlds: his and the unknown world of the Lowlands.

Begin the adventure.

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