Resource Library
Authentic Beauty
The shaping of a set-apart young woman
- Category: Young Adult
- Author: Leslie Ludy
- Editor: Multnomah Publishers, Inc
- Pages: 272
- ISBN: 159052991X
- Library: Maranatha Resource Library
- Location: Maranatha Fellowship
- Year: 2007
Hits: 361
Written by Sharon
Inside Every Young Woman is a Princess…In Search of her Prince
In a culture that mocks our longing for tender romance, in a world where fairy tales never seem to come true — do we dare hope for more? For every young woman asking that question, this book is an invitation. With refreshing candor and vulnerability, bestselling author Leslie Ludy reveals how, starting today, you can experience the passion and intimacy you long for. You can begin a never-ending love story with your true Prince. Discover the authentic beauty of a life fully set-apart for Him. Experience a romance that will transform every part of your existence and fulfill the deepest longings of your feminine heart.
Date insert: Friday, 18 May 2018