Resource Library
On The Road Again
Auto B Good
- Category: Children
- Editor: Focus on the Family Publishing
- Library: Maranatha Resource Library
- Location: Maranatha Fellowship
- Note: DVD
Hits: 143
Your Auto B Good pals venture into places they've never been, and along the way learn valuable life lessons. The Bible's roadmap allows them to operate on all cylinders and discover their place in the world.
"No Rules Allowed" (Obedience) Obeying the rules-that's the ticket! But a club with no rules sounds even better...or does it?
"Shop 'til You Drop" (Self=Control) Everything is on sale! And Cali can't resist "saving" so much money that she hurts herself in the process...and a true friend helps her regain control.
"Center of the Universe" (Politeness) EJ is the Center of the Universe - or so he'd like to think. But life at the center is no match for the crusty Elrod. Can EJ resist Elrod's ways?
"Slippery Slope" (Truthfulness) Only a few more days before the 4x4 championships. Maria is training very hard. Will her desire to win become an obstacle she can't overcome?
"Car Tune Pirates" (Honesty) Everyone is excited about the Professor's latest invention! No one can believe that something so cool could be wrong...until Franklin "invents" a little something of his own.
"Bully Bully" (Kindness) Fight! Fight! EJ's little scuffle causes everyone to receive an extra assignment. Can EJ get his assignment done before the weekend is over? Can EJ discover the meaning of kindness?