Category: Fiction
Editor: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Pages: 399
Library: Maranatha Resource Library
Location: Maranatha Fellowship
Year: 2001
Note: Left Behind Series (Book 5)

Hits: 481

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Written by Harold

In Apollyon, the individual members of the Tribulation Force find themselves distraught at personal problems, as well as the destructive forces of evil that are steadily taking over their world. Buck Williams and his wife must decide whether or not to have a child in a world that is rapidly ending, and Rayford Steele questions whether his wife is a true believer. Hattie, Nicolae's former mistress, is approaching the birth of their child with fear and and uncertainty. As believers prepare to gather in a massive rally, God unleashes a plague of locusts to destroy those who do not carry His seal on their foreheads.

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