Category: Fiction
Editor: Bethany House Publishers
Pages: 313
ISBN: 1556614403
Library: Maranatha Resource Library
Location: Maranatha Fellowship
Year: 1994
Note: The Journals of Corrie Belle Hollister #8, Book 8 of 8

Hits: 979

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Written by Harold

Over two years have past since Corrie Belle Hollister left Miracle Springs and now, with the Civil War behind her, Corrie is returning home to the family she loves, back to California, and yet back to even more than that. Rising up with Corrie is a new feeling that the time has come for her to decide where home really is.


Corrie has grown into a mature woman in her time away from home. Will her family see the difference? it is time to decide where she belongs -

Where is her home -

Where is the home for her heart?

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