Category: Fiction
Editor: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Pages: 448
ISBN: 084233226x
Library: Maranatha Resource Library
Location: Maranatha Fellowship
Year: 2001

Hits: 366

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Written by Sharon

Antichrist invades, desecrates Jerusalem temple. Global Community choice: loyalty mark or guillotine. Pandemic sweeps city; masses writhe.

As the Tribulation Force prepares to guide Israeli exiles to refuge in Petra, Global Community supreme ruler Nicolae Carpathia—now fully possessed by Satan—desecrates the temple in Jerusalem and installs himself as god. All must accept Carpathia’s loyalty mark or die, while a terrible plague sweeps through the city. At first these events seem unrelated, but the Trib Force knows better. They are carrying out the will of the true God—blatantly defying Carpathia. But one mistake could bring crushing failure.Desecration, the best-selling novel in the world the year it was released, is #9 in the phenomenalNew York Times best-selling Left Behind series that rocked the publishing world and made millions think seriously about the future and their places in it.

With special features relating to current events and end-times prophecy.

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