Category: Children's Ministry
Editor: Concordia Publishing House
Pages: 64
ISBN: 0570053749
Library: Maranatha Resource Library
Location: Maranatha Fellowship
Year: 1999

Hits: 498

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Written by Harold

Looking for a fresh way to approach familiar Bible stories? Get your class involved and act it out! Bible story skitlets Too includes 10 rehearsal-free short skits for ages 3 to 9 led by a narrator who guides the entire class through actions and dialogue. These five Old Testament and five New Testament skitlets can be used with any Bible curriculum. They are idea for Sunday School, weekday, VBS, or home school classes. They work well with multi-age groups and specific grade levels. It's even a great idea for day care.


Looking for a fresh way to approach familiar Bible stories? Get your class involved and act it out! Bible story skitlets Too includes 10 rehearsal-free short skits for ages 3 to 9 led by a narrator who guides the entire class through actions and dialogue. These five Old Testament and five New Testament skitlets can be used with any Bible curriculum. They are idea for Sunday School, weekday, VBS, or home school classes. They work well with multi-age groups and specific grade levels. It's even a great idea for day care.

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