Category: Nonfiction
Editor: Bethany House Publishers
Pages: 871230232
ISBN: 0871230232
Library: Maranatha Resource Library
Location: Maranatha Fellowship
Year: 1980

Hits: 318

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Written by Harold

A compelling book filled with stimulating, informative, and often surprising facts about the Bible.

Meredith's Book of Bible Lists will inform and fascinate you with its collection of impressive Bible facts. In this comprehensive volume you'll find the expected...
The Ten Commandments
The Two Greatest Commandments 
Seven Good Kings
Names of Angels

And the unexpected...
Nine of the Earliest Recorded Inventors
Sweet and Sour: Flavors in the Bible
Seventeen Hugs and Kisses
Important Bones

In fact, there are more than 350 lists in 42 distinct categories. Originally published as Meredith's Book of Bible Lists and Meredith's Second Book of Bible Lists, this edition includes all the original lists plus a new bonus list: Twenty-nine Positive Statements From Scripture.

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