Category: Youth/YA Ministry
Editor: Zondervan Publishing House
ISBN: 0310246725
Library: Maranatha Resource Library
Location: Maranatha Fellowship
Year: 2002
Note: 6 Week DVD Study Kit

Hits: 545

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Written by Harold

God never intended for you to do life alone but to do life together in community. This introductory group study, Beginning Life Together, gives you an overview of the five biblical purposes that God intends for living together in community. This study will take you on a 6-week journey through these five purposes and give you a taste of the life God created you to live. “Doing Life Together is a groundbreaking study…[It’s] the first small group curriculum built completely on the purpose-driven paradigm…The greatest reason I’m excited about [it] is that I’ve seen the dramatic changes it produces in the lives of those who study it.” ―From the foreword by Rick Warren Based on the five biblical purposes that form the bedrock of Saddleback Church, Doing Life Together will help your group discover what God created you for and how you can this that dream into an everyday reality. Experience the transformation firsthand as you begin Connecting, Growing, Developing, Sharing, and Surrendering your life together for him.

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