Category: Family
Editor: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Pages: 304
ISBN: 978-1414301273
Library: Maranatha Resource Library
Location: Maranatha Fellowship
Year: 2010

Hits: 481

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Written by Harold

2011 Retailers Choice Award winner!
Bringing Up Boys by parenting expert and best-selling author Dr. James Dobson was, and continues to be, a runaway hit, selling more than 2 million copies to date. Now, Dr. Dobson presents his highly anticipated companion book: Bringing Up Girls. Based on extensive research, and handled with Dr. Dobson’s trademark down-to-earth approach, Bringing Up Girls will equip parents like you to face the challenges of raising your daughters to become healthy, happy, and successful women who overcome challenges specific to girls and women today and who ultimately excel in life.

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