Resource Library
Family Traditions
Practical, Intentional Ways to Strengthen Your Family Identity
- Category: Family
- Author: J. Otis Ledbetter, Tim Smith
- Editor: Focus on the Family Publishing
- Pages: 218
- ISBN: 0781433762
- Library: Maranatha Resource Library
- Location: Maranatha Fellowship
- Year: 2000
Hits: 256
Discover the importance of tradition in your family. Family Traditions is a key concept of the Heritage Builders Association. These concepts--Family Traditions, Family Moments, and The Family Compass--are featured in the book Your Heritage and the Family Night Tool Chest series.
Healthy traditions are a key component of a godly heritage because they strengthen the family's identity. Coauthors J. Otis Ledbetter and Tim Smith will help you renew your sense of appreciation for the role of tradition in family life by introducing fresh, meaningful impressions to undergird traditions you already may celebrate.
From typical holiday traditions, Otis and Tim branch out to important milestones or monuments in the Christian life and adaptations of wonderful biblical traditions. They include practical, intentional guidelines for developing a traditions "blueprint" for your child that ensures you are instilling all the qualities you value by the time the child reaches maturity.
Family traditions are an exciting way to bless your children and begin the pattern of blessing future generations as well. Included are over 80 practical traditions to try with your family.