Category: Children
Editor: Kregel Publication
Pages: 176
ISBN: 978-0825441738
Library: Maranatha Resource Library
Location: Maranatha Fellowship
Year: 2009
Note: (Storybooks for Advent) Book 2 of 4 in Advent Adventures Series Age 9-12

Hits: 331

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Written by Harold

The highly anticipated follow-up to Jotham's Journey!

Bartholomew's Passage is an engaging story that guides families through the Advent season. Young Bartholomew's adventures start when Roman soldiers destroy his village and disperse his family, continue through his enslavement to a tyrannical master and his escape with his new friend Nathan, and end with a reunion with his family in Bethlehem. Along the way Bartholomew makes a new friend, a young boy named Jotham!


       From the Back Cover

But then Bartholomew noticed that the thunder wasn't coming from the lake; it was coming from the hills behind the village... Suddenly several of the fishermen grabbed their oars and knives and hooks and anything else they could find and started running toward town. The others seemed to realize what was happening and did the same, leaving Bartholomew all alone on the beach.

What will happen to Bartholomew when Roman soldiers ransack his village? Watch young Bartholomew as he travels across Israel in search of his family. Follow him through slavery and join him on his adventurous escape. Then help him celebrate a glorious reunion in Bethlehem-just in time for our Savior's birth.

Offering readings for each day of the Advent season, Bartholomew's Passage is a family story and devotional that gives you the opportunity to create a seasonal tradition of storytelling in your home as it helps you and your family prepare for the miracle of Christmas.

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