Resource Library
Walt Mueller
“For over thirty-five years I have worked with teenagers and their parents. During that time I have realized there is a widening cultural-generational gap that needs to be closed.
On one side stand parents and adults, many puzzled and scared by the rapidly changing world of children and teens. One father asked me, “How will my son ever hear the still small voice of God with all those other voices yelling in his ears?”
On the other side stand children and teens longing for parents and other significant adults willing and able to help them through the confusing maze of today’s youth culture, leading them to an emotionally and spiritually healthy adulthood.
I’m convinced it’s a gap nobody wants. If we take the time to understand and really know kids, then we’ll be able to cross into their culture, close the gap, and give them the biblical answers and positive direction they so desperately need! Today’s children and teens will only be a ‘lost generation’ if we forsake our God-given responsibility to love and lead.”