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Nathan Yoder

Nathan Yoder

“I invite students to engage in critical analysis and to bring considered commitment and worshipful wonder to their study and contemplation of the incarnate Word, the embodied Spirit, and the renewed church.”

Nate’s book Together in the Work of the Lord studies the Conservative Mennonite Conference as a case study in Mennonite-evangelical relations, particularly in the latter part of the twentieth century.

Earlier, Nate focused his dissertation on Mennonite fundamentalists, including the founders of the Eastern Mennonite School in 1917. One way that Nate describes this project’s contribution highlights grammatical construction. Previous scholarship portrayed fundamentalism as infiltrating Mennonitism, positioning the movement as subject. In pursuing an interpretation with more nuance, Nate focused on specific Mennonite leaders, describing them as actors rather than objects – and therefore the subjects of the sentence – who had chosen to engage the broader fundamentalist movement.

As EMU’s University Archivist, Nate is resourcing Donald Kraybill, author of the centennial history to be released in 2017.

Publication by same author

Cover of Together in the Work of the Lord

Together in the Work of the Lord

A History of the Conservative Mennonite Conference

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Year: 2014
Hits: 188
Date insert: Tuesday, 24 January 2017