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Stephanie Grace Whitson

Stephanie Grace Whitson

Award-winning, best-selling novelist Stephanie Grace Whitson began playing with imaginary friends (i.e., writing fiction) when an abandoned pioneer cemetery near the Whitson's country home provided not only a hands-on history lesson for her four home schooled children but also a topic of personal study. In 2014, Whitson celebrated her twentieth year as a published novelist. When not writing or researching, Stephanie enjoys reading, quilting, spoiling her grandchildren and/or Kona Kai (the golden retriever), and riding her motorcycle named Kitty.

Publication by same author

Cover of A Claim of Her Own

A Claim of Her Own

  0 / 0
Year: 2009
Hits: 1043
Date insert: Tuesday, 31 January 2017
No cover Karyn's Memory Box/Nora's Ribbon of Memories

Karyn's Memory Box/Nora's Ribbon of Memories

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Year: 1999
Hits: 392
Date insert: Tuesday, 31 January 2017