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Lauralee Bliss

Lauralee Bliss

Lauralee Bliss has always liked to dream big dreams. Since 1997 she's published over twenty books in historical and contemporary. Lauralee's desire is that readers will come away with both an entertaining story and a lesson that ministers to the heart. In 2017 Lauralee celebrates 20 years of publishing! 

Along with the dream of writing and publishing, Lauralee (also known as Blissful) is a noted Appalachian Trail hiker, having completed the trail both north and south, one of only a few women to have accomplished this feat. She has also completed the Long Trails in Vermont and West Virginia and the Foothills Trail. Lauralee serves as the ridgerunner for Shenandoah National park and conducts workshops and lectures on hiking.

Publication by same author

Cover of Blue Ridge Brides

Blue Ridge Brides

  0 / 0
Year: 2007
Hits: 460
Date insert: Saturday, 04 February 2017
Cover of Love Finds You in Bethlehem, New Hampshire

Love Finds You in Bethlehem, New Hampshire

  0 / 0
Year: 2009
Hits: 251
Date insert: Saturday, 04 February 2017