Resource Library

Andy Addis

Andy Addis - Biography 

Andy Addis is a pastor, leader, motivational speaker/trainer and author. Primarily, Andy claims his most important roles are Christian, husband and father.

CrossPoint Church is a multisite network of churches with a dozen locations throughout Kansas and a congregation of around 3,000.

Andy is the author of two books: Reading It Right and BLOTCH. The first is a systematic strategy for in depth Bible study with thousands of copies in print. BLOTCH is a children’s book and parent resource produced by LifeWay and B&H Kids.

Andy has Bachelor and Masters degrees in communication from Fort Hays State University, and Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages degree from Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. 


Publication by same author

Cover of Blotch


A Tale of Forgiveness and Grace

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Year: 2016
Hits: 486
Date insert: Friday, 02 June 2017